rgrass.pl – “Glitter Finance”

Nadawca: Glitter Finance
Temat: Glitter Finance

Treść wiadomości:
Good afternoon, you have received this letter, because we want the whole world to know and not cooperate with Ilya Vladimirovich Dobrovitsky (David Dobrovitsky), now living in Portugal.
He is the CEO of Glitter finance and the creator of many fraudulent projects. He stole more than $200,000 from investors, and this is only a small part of those we found, I think the amounts are estimated at tens of millions of dollars. We have all the evidence that we can send to any user upon request for fraud.IlyaDobrovitsky1@protonmail.com
Here are his contacts, we would appreciate it if you complained about him on social networks and so on.
You can complain about the site https://glitter.finance – here https://supportcenter.godaddy.com/AbuseReport

https://www.linkedin.com/in/ilya-dobrovitsky /
telegram @DeFiBuilder1
+1 860 418 9729

His company
Current: Co-Founder – Amanah DeFi https://amanahdefi.com
Past: Co-Founder – spherium.finance
Past: Co-Founder – BTCD Ltd
Past: CDO – icoda.io

Ta wiadomość została wysłana przez formularz kontaktowy na stronie rgrass.pl (http://rgrass.pl).

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